

Listen to a Gore product specialist talk about the features and benefits of Gore’s high performance wires that meet current and future requirements for aircraft (military and commercial) and military ground vehicles.

View global distributors authorized to supply bulk wires and cables from W. L. Gore & Associates. Our extensive product portfolio has reliably served many industries for decades — including aerospace & defense, semiconductor & microelectronics, industrial & manufacturing, plus more.

Greg Powers

Read the interview with Greg Powers, Global Aerospace and Defense Market Leader with W. L. Gore & Associates, about the company’s proven reliable solutions for high-performance digital and microwave connectivity and other products.

Gore’s products in defense aircraft and land systems

From the outset, W. L. Gore & Associates engineers products right to perform reliably in the most demanding air and land conditions. Our storied legacy is why defense companies and suppliers trust our cables and materials.

Gore’s reliable solutions for UAM aircraft, VTOL aircraft, & electric VTOL aircraft design.

W. L. Gore & Associates supports the emerging aviation ecosystem by offering innovative and proven solutions to help ensure safe passenger air taxi service, cargo drone delivery and future combat air systems.

Gore cables & materials in a V-22 Osprey helicopter.

Supporting enduring and future fleets, W. L. Gore & Associates delivers advanced cables and materials that have been proven over time to ensure mission-critical success, rotary-wing survivability and personnel safety.

Future Aircraft With Gore? High Performance Aerospace Wires

Current EWIS may not fulfill next-gen aviation requirements or address future aircraft electrification. Voltages are increasing to avoid weight gain but also put more electrical stress and risk damage to wiring. W. L. Gore & Associates offers an optimal solution featuring proven durability to ensure EWIS reliability over time.

Mission-critical pilot in a military aircraft.

In this FREE webinar, Gore experts share their deep industry knowledge and materials expertise while using real-world examples to answer the question about high-speed data cables being a system lifeline or costly afterthought. Also, listen to the Q&A session.